Birthday: July 23, 1989

Born: California, USA

Currently Living: Utah

MBTI: INFP (the same as J.R.R. Tolkien!)

Types of Witch: Literary, Art, Divination, Ancestral, Secular

Zodiac: Leo sun, Aries moon, Cancer ascendant. I have never been interested in zodiac signs, though, because I don’t feel that Leo represents me well, or Aries. If anything, I’d say I was a cancer. I prefer my Chinese zodiac: Earth Snake. It’s more accurate to my personality.

Loves: Cats, tea, video games, Halloween, witchy stuff, cute stuff (also writing, drawing and reading, of course)

Inspired By: Tolkien’s books, Studio Ghibli’s films, The Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy video games (HUGE Tolkien and Zelda fan)

Favorite Books: Lord of the Rings, Howl’s Moving Castle, Pride and Prejudice, The Princess and the Goblin (If you haven’t read Princess and the Goblin, and you’re a Zelda fan like me, you should read it. They are very similar)

Left - Kaely the mini Witch, Center - Grandma Jo the Head Witch, Right - elder sister Shawna as Sailor Moon

Left - Kaely the mini Witch, Center - Grandma Jo the Head Witch, Right - elder sister Shawna as Sailor Moon

Kaely’s passion for magic, fairytales, and art was nurtured by her grandmother, Jo Elon.

Ever since Kaely was young, she enjoyed creating her own little worlds, whether it was through her playtime (in which she kept track of continued fantastical sagas), or making her own storybooks. When she was asked what she wanted to do when she grew up, she had one of two answers: to be an artist, or to write children’s books. Her passion for both continued into adulthood, but in time she favored writing, and her focus shifted more heavily on this hobby.